Sussex County Bowls – Michael Newth Trophy
Sussex County Bowls award the Michael Newth Trophy (a magnificent solid silver cup) to the person who is recognised as having given outstanding service at club level to bowls.
I am delighted to be able to report to you that it was the unanimous decision of the County Executive to award this trophy to Marion Boswell.
I am certain you will all wish to join me in congratulating Marion. A very worthy winner and an inspiration to us all
Sussex County Women’s Secretary Kathy Flood and Sussex County Women’s President Gill Hill, made the surprise presentation to Marion at the Cooden Beach Hotel earlier this week.
Marion with Women’s County President Gill Hill and Women’s County Secretary Kathy Flood
Kathy Flood Marion Boswell Gill Hill
Sussex County Administrator, Rod McBeth wrote:
From what I have seen and read, a well deserved award for such long standing service to your club. Your Club obviously appreciate your efforts over the years, as it was they who nominated you for the award.
Stay safe.
Yours in Sport
Rod McBeth
Hon. Secretary
Sussex County Bowls
Men’s Section
County Administrator for 2020
Kathy Flood wrote to all Sussex County affiliated clubs:
“I am very pleased to let you know that the Michael Newth trophy for this year has been won by Marion Boswell, from Bexhill B.C.
This trophy is awarded annually to ‘a member who has given exceptional service to their club’.
Marion has been a member of Bexhill B.C. for 33 years, and has been nominated by the club for her inspirational work as Club Treasurer since 2005, qualified Coach since 2005, and as the County Delegate to Sussex County Bowls women’s section since 2002. In addition, she has carried out many other very important tasks in the club. Her loyalty and dedication are much appreciated, and it was felt by the Sussex Joint Management Committee, who consider nominations from clubs, that this award is richly deserved and justified.
Kathy Flood,
Sussex County Bowls,
Womens Section